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Association for International Exchange of Japanese Music
The Association for International Exchange of Japanese Music was established in 1988 to make Japanese traditional music, classical pieces to modern compositions,accessible to international music lovers all over the world. Since then, the association has had various activities such as overseas concerts and multimedia database of Japanese music on internet. It's board consists of prominent players and musicologists and they have several grants that they use to promote their activities and extened their database.

Bruce Jones' Shakuhachi Mailing List Archive
A collection of shakuhachi related discussions 1997 - 2012

Categorized Shakuhachi links by Dan Gutwein
Dan is doing an awsome job of collecting and organizing various shakuhachi related web pages. Check it out for a wide variety of links to articles and other information.

A massive recordings database with info on thousands of shakuhachi recordings.

JAMU - Japanese Traditional Music Information Site (Japanese)
For the spread of Japanese musical instruments and traditional Japanese music.

With information on over 6000 songs.

Kenji Bunko - Japanese Classical Music Record Library (Japanese)
Large, well organized, discography of classical Japanese music.

Map of Shakuhachi Related Places in Japan
An interactive google map listing temples, shops, monuments, and other places related to the shakuhachi and komuso in Japan.

Myoan Shakuhachi Blog
I believe that the ideal way of Zen Shakuhachi is to let one's true Mind listen to the sounds and to cultivate one's own Self in accordance with those sounds. - Yoshimura Fuan-Soshin

Shakuhachi Beat
If Jinbo Masanosuke, Kurosawa Kinko and Riley Lee ran into Franz Kafka, Marcel Duchamp and Moe Howard they may have created the blog Shakuhachi Beat ... Then again, maybe not ... Tune in, turn on and read for yourself on the World Wide Web

Shakuhachi Resources Wiki
Aids for the budding Shakuhachi enthusiast

Shakuhachi.es (Spanish)
Superb Spanish resource for everything shakuhachi.

Taizen Shakuhachi- International Online Academy
In 2000, Steven Taizen Casano received his Jun-Shihan license from Yokoyama Katusya and Ishikawa Toshimitsu and in 2016 he received his Shihan license and the name Taizen from Grandmaster Riley Lee. Mr. Casano released his first CD, The Voice of Bamboo-Take no Koe in the summer 2015. The Taizen Shakuhachi International Online Academy provides online lessons via Skype or other live video services. Instruction is available in the Chikuho Style of Riley Lee and in the repertoire of the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan of Yokoyama Katsuya. Please e-mail to arrange for an appointment (scasano@punahou.edu). Student and Military discounts available!

Traditional Performing Arts Archive & Research Office – TARO (Japanese)
The Traditional Performing Arts Center is a Kyoto facility for preserving and creating traditional performing arts culture. The following six functions should be provided by the center.

1 Academic research on traditional performing arts

2 Creation and dissemination of traditional performing arts

3 Consultation and support for musical instruments and tools

4 Networking

5 Nationwide transmission / interregional exchange

6 Overseas transmission / international exchange

Welcome to the Shakuhachi World
Great resource for shakuhachi lovers. This site has digitized 78rpm recordings of famous shakuhachi players and songs from various schools - Tozan, Kinko, Meian, Ueda, Chikuho, and more. Mostly Japanese on the actual recordings list pages, but since many of the names are also translated into English within the listings, it's not too difficult to navigate.

Worldcat - Library Search
Worldcat has entries for thousands of shakuhachi related recordings, books, and videos. Search on any topic, person, instrument and you are bound to discover many results.