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Takahashi Chikuzan


Takahashi Chikuzan
6/18/1910 - 2/5/1998


Takahashi Chikuzan (1910–1998) was a renowned Japanese Tsugaru-shamisen performer and composer.

He was born in Aomori Prefecture. He lost his sight at around age two from measles before becoming a live-in apprentice of a Tsugaru-shamisen performer called Toda Jūjirō near his home town. Before World War II he spent many years touring Tohoku and Hokkaido, often busking. After the war he became more widely known, first as an accompanist for the famous Tsugaru folk song singer Narita Unchiku (who named him "Chikuzan"), and subsequently as a solo performer of the Tsugaru-shamisen repertory. His performances, for many years taking place regularly at a small venue called Shibuya Jean-Jean in Tokyo, often featured long solo improvisations, which he entitled "Iwaki" after the tallest mountain in Tsugaru.

His most famous disciple, a woman who has assumed the name Takahashi Chikuzan II, continues to perform versions of Takahashi Chikuzan's repertory. Takahashi Chikuzan made a huge number of recordings, many of which are still available.

別名 高橋定蔵 (Takahashi Sadazō)


Hōhai Bushi ホーハイ節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 尺八
Kenryō Bushi 兼良節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 尺八
Tsugaru Kobiki 津軽木挽 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 尺八
Tsugaru Yamauta 津軽山唄 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 尺八
Tsugaru Aiya Bushi 津軽あいや節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 三弦
Tsugaru Jongara Bushi 津軽じょんがら節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 三弦
Tsugaru Ohara Bushi 津軽おはら節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 三弦
Tsugaru Yosare Bushi 津軽よされ節 03'26 Selections from Koto, Shamisen and Shakuhachi 三弦
Tsugaru Yosare Bushi 津軽よされ節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 三弦
Ajigasawa Jinku 鰺ヶ沢甚句 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 胡弓
Ringo Bushi りんご節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 胡弓
Tsugaru Waiwa Bushi 津軽わいは節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 胡弓
Yasaburō Bushi 弥三郎節 Tōhoku Min’yō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 胡弓