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Igarashi Sozan

五十嵐 疏山

Igarashi Sozan
3/5/1896 - ????


Igarashi Sozan (Igarashi Hisashi) was born March 5, 1896.
He was executive director of the Tozan-ryū Shakuhachi Gaku-kai, head of the Kanto branch, and head of To-kai.
He was made an instructor in 1928 and, in 1946, he he was given the designation Chikurin-ken, the highest recognition in the Tozan-ryū.
He was a former national director of the Tozan-ryū Shakuhachi Gaku-kai, the Kanto branch of the Tozan-ryū shakuhachi Gaku-kai, and executive director of the Japan Sankyoku Kyo-kai.

"When I was a student, I heard this piece by a certain kumuso monk, Montsuke. I was completely fascinated by the graceful and elegant tone of the piece, and I felt a desire to play it myself. "

別名 五十嵐 寿 (Igarashi Hisashi)