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Sugawara Kuniyoshi


Sugawara Kuniyoshi
生まれ 1955


Kuniyoshi Sugawara was born in Hokkaido in 1955. He began playing the shakuhachi at the age of 12 and studied under several of the finest shakuhachi masters. He has received numerous awards, including first prize in the Hokkaido and all Japan Sankyoku Music Concours and 2nd place in the Pan Music Contemporary Music for Traditional Instruments Concours-solo division. Under the auspices of the Japanese Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Japan Foundation Sugawara has toured the United States, Portugal, Italy, the former Yugoslavia, and China. He performs all types of music, from classics to contemporary, jazz to folk, and is also active as a composer and a radio and television performer.



Art of Bamboo, The Art of Bamboo, The

Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu

Ugetsufu Ugetsufu


Play Button Aki no Kyoku (Modern) 秋の曲 14'01 Art of Bamboo, The 尺八
Play Button E mu 絵夢 06'52 Challenging Eternity Disk 12 尺八
E mu 絵夢 06'57 Masters of Zen - Koto and Shakuhachi 尺八
Fuku kyōsō kyoku 複協奏曲 19'13 Nihon no Hibiki 尺八
Play Button Jogen no Kyoku 上弦の曲 14'35 Art of Bamboo, The 尺八
Play Button Kaei 花影 10'19 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Kaei 花影 10'23 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Kangen Hissho 絃秘抄 15'55 Art of Bamboo, The 尺八
Play Button Kata Ashi Torii No Eizo 片足鳥居の映像 04'50 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Kata Ashi Torii No Eizo 片足鳥居の映像 04'29 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Kata Ashi Torii No Eizo 片足鳥居の映像 03'51 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Kata Ashi Torii No Eizo 片足鳥居の映像 04'06 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Kata Ashi Torii No Eizo 片足鳥居の映像 03'51 Ugetsufu 尺八
Kaze no Uta (Sawai) 風の歌 10'51 Masters of Zen - Koto and Shakuhachi 尺八
Play Button Kotoba no Yoru 言葉の夜 08'00 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Kotoba no Yoru 言葉の夜 08'03 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Meikyo 明鏡 12'42 Art of Bamboo, The 尺八
Play Button Nihon Minyo Kumikyoku Dai Ichiban 日本民謡組曲第一番 02'36 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Nihon Minyo Kumikyoku Dai Ichiban 日本民謡組曲第一番 02'43 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Nihon Minyo Kumikyoku Dai Ichiban 日本民謡組曲第一番 02'41 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Nihon Minyo Kumikyoku Dai Ichiban 日本民謡組曲第一番 03'01 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Nihon Minyo Kumikyoku Dai Ichiban 日本民謡組曲第一番 03'26 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Nihon Minyo Kumikyoku Dai Ichiban 日本民謡組曲第一番 04'29 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Not Listed on Album Jacket 03'01 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Not Listed on Album Jacket 03'25 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Not Listed on Album Jacket 04'10 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Not Listed on Album Jacket 02'36 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Not Listed on Album Jacket 04'51 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Not Listed on Album Jacket 02'43 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Not Listed on Album Jacket 02'42 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Renzan 連山 11'24 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Renzan 連山 11'28 Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Shikyoku No 1 詩曲一番 13'38 Art of Bamboo, The 尺八
Tanshi 歎詩 04'35 Masters of Zen - Koto and Shakuhachi 尺八
Tanshi 歎詩 03'49 Masters of Zen - Koto and Shakuhachi 尺八
Play Button Ugetsufu 雨月譜 12'24 Masters of Zen - Ugetsufu 尺八
Play Button Ugetsufu 雨月譜 12'23 Ugetsufu 尺八