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Yonekawa Toshiko II


Yonekawa Toshiko II
生まれ 1950

Yonekawa Toshiko is one of the most talented and consistent performers in the field of koto music, from classical to contemporary pieces. From an early age, Yonekawa received instruction in Ikuta-style koto music and jiuta sangen from her mother, Yonekawa Toshiko I, a living national treasure, and learned the basics of the classics in a privileged environment. Later, she studied composition under Akihiro Norimatsu, and actively participated in overseas performances to broaden her artistic horizons. In recent years, in addition to her own recitals, she has been active as a member of the group "New Wind" and the Japanese culture group "Kiza," and her activities beyond the boundaries of koto music are also attracting attention.

 Thus, in addition to her consistent performances of classical music, Yonekawa Toshiko II has been very active in the field of contemporary Japanese music, and has also been involved in a wide range of cross-cultural activities.

She received the name Toshiko II in 2007 after her mother passed away.

1973 - Completed the 18th NHK hougaku Training Program.
1977 - From this time, she has journeyed for overseas performances in Korea, France, Italy, and other nations.
1986 - Held the joint recital of "Yonekawa Megumi and Yonekawa Hiroe" (Held this recital 7 times till 1992.)
1989 - Played in the former Soviet Union sent by the Japan Foundation.
1992 - Played in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland sent by the Japan Foundation.
1994 - Played in Switzerland, Austria, Poland and Belgium sent by the Japan Foundation.
1995 - Awarded the Minister of Education's award for up and coming performers. Played in Hungary and Poland.
1996 - Awarded the Arts Festival Superior Prize from the Agency of Cultural Affairs.
1997 - Held the "'97 Yonekawa Hiroe Sō and Sangen recital
2007 - Given the name Yonekawa Toshiko II

別名 米川 裕枝 (Yonekawa Hiroe)


Aki no Kyoku 秋の曲 19'15 So - Japanese Traditional Music
Play Button Cavalleria Rusticana 02'49 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Play Button Chidori no Kyoku 千鳥の曲 14'44 Challenging Eternity Disk 20
Chidori no Kyoku 千鳥の曲 03'36 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Chidori no Kyoku 千鳥の曲 13'20 Sokyoku Jiuta
Play Button Dance of the Hours - La Gioconda 05'08 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Play Button Dance Rituelle Du Feu 04'10 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Defune 出船 03'11 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Elegie 03'34 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Etenraku 越天楽 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24)
Play Button Etude Op. 10 No. 3 04'02 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Play Button Fuyu no Kyoku 冬の曲 21'28 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 2
Play Button Geisyunka 迎春花 14'13 Fascination of the Koto 1
Hagi no Tsuyu 萩の露 18'41 Yamaguchi Goro - Performance study 3
Hamabe no Uta 浜辺の歌 03'00 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Hana 04'25 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Hanayome Ningyo 花嫁人形 02'34 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Haru no Kyoku 春の曲 18'03 Fukami Satomi - Sokyoku Jiuta Shu - 2
Play Button In A Persian Market 07'13 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Itsuki no Komoriuta 五木の子守唄 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24)
Play Button Kaede no Hana 楓の花 18'57 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 2
Kagome Kagome かごめ かごめ Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24)
Keshi no Hana けしの花 15'08 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 35
Kimiga Yo Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24)
Play Button Kinuta 12'42 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 1
Kōjō no Tsuki 荒城の月 04'41 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Komoriuta 子守唄 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24)
Kuroda Bushi 黒田節 03'43 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Liebestraume 03'32 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Play Button Matsu no Kotobuki 松の寿 12'54 Fascination of the Koto 4
Meisho Miyage 名所土産 17'20 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 11 (続三曲合奏大全集11)
Play Button Midare Rinzetsu 乱輪舌 07'19 Fascination of the Koto 3
Midare Rinzetsu 乱輪舌 04'24 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Nagare 05'24 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Nanakomachi 七小町 22'55 Sokyoku Jiuta
Play Button Natsu no Kyoku 夏の曲 15'10 Fascination of the Koto 2
Play Button Natsu no Kyoku 夏の曲 16'17 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 1
Niju Hachidan 二重八段 08'58 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 08
O Edo Nihon Bashi お江戸日本橋 04'02 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Pavane Pour une Infante Defunte 亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ 04'08 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Play Button Polovetzer Tanze - Prince Igor 02'56 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Rokudan no Shirabe 六段の調 04'10 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Rokudan no Shirabe 六段の調 07'18 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 (三曲合奏大全集1)
Rokudan no Shirabe 六段の調 07'19 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 1 (三曲合奏大全集1)
Play Button Sabre Dance 02'56 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Saga no Aki 嵯峨の秋 09'36 Sagano no Shirabe
Sakura Sakura さくらさくら 04'45 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Sakura Sakura さくらさくら Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24)
Shichidan no Shirabe 七段の調 06'56 Fukami Satomi - Sokyoku Jiuta Shu - 1
Shiki no Nagame 四季の眺 17'26 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 14 (三曲合奏大全集14)
Shimabara no Komoriuta 島原の子守歌 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 24  (三曲合奏大全集24)
Shin Musume Dōjōji 新娘道成寺 14'38 Yamaguchi Goro - Performance study 1
Shin Ukifune 新浮舟 18'43 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 14 (三曲合奏大全集14)
Sue no Chigiri 末の契 16'13 Yamaguchi Goro - Performance study 2
Play Button Thais Meditation 04'25 Danse Rituelle du Fue, Liebestraume
Tooryanse 通りゃんせ 02'37 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Tsuru no Koe 鶴の声 04'39 Fascination of the Koto 2
Play Button Ume Dojoji 梅道成寺 14'59 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 2
Umisuzume 海雀 05'00 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Yachio Jishi 八千代獅子 07'34 Fascination of the Koto 2
Play Button Yūgao 夕顔 11'20 Fascination of the Koto 2
Yuku Haru 逝く春 04'01 Koto no Kyoshu Nihon no Merodi-shu
Play Button Chidori to Asobu Tieko 千鳥と遊ぶ智恵子 16'01 Fascination of the Koto 1 三弦
Chiyo no Uguisu 千代の鶯 27'00 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 11 (続三曲合奏大全集11) 三弦
Play Button Haru no Kotobuki 春の寿 17'18 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 2 三弦
Kagura 神楽 12'08 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 13 (続三曲合奏大全集13) 三弦
Mama no Kawa ままの川 13'09 Yamaguchi Goro - Performance study 2 三弦
Matsu Zukushi 松づくし 11'23 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 16 (続三曲合奏大全集16) 三弦
Play Button Midare Rinzetsu 乱輪舌 09'29 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 1 三弦
Shinya no Tsuki 深夜の月 12'41 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 11 (続三曲合奏大全集11) 三弦
Tori Oi 鳥追 11'44 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 13 (続三曲合奏大全集13) 三弦
Tori Oi / Kagura 鳥追・神楽 10'46 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 13 (続三曲合奏大全集13) 三弦
Play Button Yūgao 夕顔 12'50 Challenging Eternity Disk 20 三弦
Play Button Zangetsu 残月 22'42 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 1 三弦
Aki no Kyoku 秋の曲 19'15 So - Japanese Traditional Music
Play Button Chidori no Kyoku 千鳥の曲 14'44 Challenging Eternity Disk 20
Chiyo no Uguisu 千代の鶯 27'00 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 11 (続三曲合奏大全集11)
Play Button Fuyu no Kyoku 冬の曲 21'28 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 2
Play Button Haru no Kotobuki 春の寿 17'18 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 2
Play Button Kaede no Hana 楓の花 18'57 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 2
Kagura 神楽 12'08 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 13 (続三曲合奏大全集13)
Keshi no Hana けしの花 15'08 Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 35
Play Button Matsu no Kotobuki 松の寿 12'54 Fascination of the Koto 4
Meisho Miyage 名所土産 17'20 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 11 (続三曲合奏大全集11)
Play Button Natsu no Kyoku 夏の曲 15'10 Fascination of the Koto 2
Play Button Natsu no Kyoku 夏の曲 16'17 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 1
Shiki no Nagame 四季の眺 17'26 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 14 (三曲合奏大全集14)
Shin Ukifune 新浮舟 18'43 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 14 (三曲合奏大全集14)
Shinya no Tsuki 深夜の月 12'41 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 11 (続三曲合奏大全集11)
Tori Oi 鳥追 11'44 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 13 (続三曲合奏大全集13)
Tori Oi / Kagura 鳥追・神楽 10'46 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 13 (続三曲合奏大全集13)
Play Button Tsuru no Koe 鶴の声 04'39 Fascination of the Koto 2
Play Button Yūgao 夕顔 12'50 Challenging Eternity Disk 20
Play Button Zangetsu 残月 22'42 Musical Cosmos of Yonekawa Toshiko 1


尺八 の作品
タイトル 漢字 別題
Toki no Umi