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Mikami Sonotomi

三上 園東巳

Mikami Sonotomi
Born 1938


Studied Yamada-Ryū koto with Yamakawa Enshō. Received master/teaching credential in 1965. Passed the NHK audition in 1967.

Also Known As 三上 文子 (Mikami Fumiko)

Tracks Recorded

Pieces KanjiLengthAlbumInstrument
Aki no Mai 秋の舞 07'35 Kashuku Hanaori - Kawasaki Etsuo Sakuhin-Shū Koto
Haru Urara (Kawasaki) 春うらら 08'30 Kashuku Hanaori - Kawasaki Etsuo Sakuhin-Shū Koto
Tsubaki Zukushi 椿尽 10'07 Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 20 (続三曲合奏大全集20) Koto