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[流派]Yamada Ryū - 山田
[対象楽器]吉沢 検校 - 箏

発祥 (柘植 元一):

This short song, entitled Yamazakura ('Mountain Cherry Blossoms'), is often performed by beginners of the Yamada School koto. The text likens the fickle hearts of women to ephemeral cherry blossoms, singing of the uncertainty of love in this floating world.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

Intoxicated with the warmth
Of a peaceful spring day,
Buds on the cherry trees
Open their hearts
In grateful abandon.
But yesterday's pledge of love
Is another story today:
From an unexpected direction
Mountain gusts
Steal the blossoms away.
And, alas, the blossoms do not resist.

This, unfortunately,
Is the way of the world.
An indecisive heart
Always leads one astray
And stirs shameful gossip.
How capricious you are,
My unfaithful
Mountain cherry blossoms.
Nodoka naru
haru no kokoro ni
hana no shitahimo
chigiri ya kinoo
kyoo wa mata
omowanu kata no
yamakaze no
fuku ni makasuru
hana no eda
sore mo ukiyo no
narai ja mono wo
kokoro-yowasa wo
toga ni shite
ada naru hana to
tatsu na hazukashi