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Shiki no Shirabe


[流派]Yamada Ryū - 山田
[対象楽器]今井 慶松 - 箏


Music for Four Seasons is a rather modern piece from the Yamada School of the koto. The technique of the Yamada is somewhat similar to that of Nagauta with its brilliant and strong touch on the koto strings. Daigo no Hanami which includes singing almost like that of the Nagauta and Shiki no shirabe are representative pieces of the Yamada School.

四季の調 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 19(続三曲合奏大全集19) 箏 : 伊達政信井
箏 : 片岡 基紗井
尺八 : 藤井 治童
箏 : 本間松芳

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 57 箏 : 中能島 欣一
箏 : 中能島 慶子

Sōkyoku: Yamada-ryū - Meikyoku no Shirabe (vol. 4) 箏 : 二代 伊藤 松超
尺八 : 納富治彦
箏 : 初世 伊藤 松超

Soul of the Koto, The
Music for Four Seasons is a rather modern piece from the Yamada School of the koto. The technique of the Yamada is somewhat similar to that of Nagauta with its brilliant and strong touch on the koto strings. Daigo no Hanami which includes singing almost like that of the Nagauta and Shiki no shirabe are representative pieces of the Yamada School.

Yamada-Ryū - Sō no Emaki - "Shiki" 箏 : 中能島弘子
箏 : 中能島 慶子
箏 : 島チ華能

Yamada-Ryū Sōkyoku no Shirabe volume 10 箏 : 中能島弘子
箏 : 中能島 慶子
箏 : 島チ華能